Why Sell to Us?

Selling to NVSS Real Estate
Listing with an Agent

Evaluate Your Options: Crunching the Numbers for a Smarter Home Sale When you take a closer look at the figures, the advantages of different methods for selling your house become clear.

Selling w/ A Agent


Commissions / Fees:

Up to 6%, paid by you, the seller


Who Pays Closing Costs?:

3% on average is paid by you, seller

NONE - We pay all costs

Financing Contingency*:

Yes, sales can fall through


Appraisal Needed:

Yes, sale is often subject to appraisal

NONE - We make cash offers

Average Days Until Sold:

+/-91 Days


Who Pays For Repairs?:

Negotiated During Inspection Period

NONE - We pay for all repairs

Closing Date:

30-60 +/- days after accepting buyers offer


Evaluate Your Options

Crunching the Numbers for a Smarter Home Sale When you take a closer look at the figures, the advantages of different methods for selling your house become clear.
Envious Real Estate brings unique benefits that the traditional selling route can’t match.

We will help so you wont have to pay thousands for a moving company

We have so much inventory all over ohio, we most likely have the home you are looking
for! we will give you time to move we want to make this process as stress free as possible!

Secure Your Cash Offer Now!

Simply call today for a guaranteed offer in less than 48 hours. I’ll be glad to personally tell you more about my company and how we can work together. All calls are completely confidential, and there is no obligation Whatsoever.

Even if you are not interested in selling at this time, call

(216)-704-9147 or submit your address and information so I can help you determine the value of your property. Thank you!

Here's what sets us apart

Considering the time saved, the seamless experience, and the money you retain by avoiding commissions, fees, and holding costs during the traditional selling process, selling to a professional house buyer like Envious Real Estate becomes the best and most compelling option for many homeowners in the area.

Fast Closing

From the initial offer to closing, you can have cash in hand in as Fast. Unlike the traditional route that can take 90+ days to close, we streamline the process, saving you from the costs associated with prolonged property holding.

No Repairs or Cleaning Worries

Forget about spending time and money fixing up or cleaning your house repeatedly for potential buyers. We're interested in your property as-is, regardless of its condition. Whether it's a complete fixer-upper or needs a few touch-ups, we're ready to make you an offer

Covering Closing Costs

we handle all closing costs. What we offer is what you get, with no surprise fees (excluding any outstanding mortgage or property encumbrances and Taxes). It's a hassle-free, easy, and transparent process.